Trailer - Why Not?

It all begins with an idea right? I have been in sales and management for the better part of 15 years now and constantly think about what more can I do. I work for a company as a Regional Sales Manager and when I really enjoy my work, like I do now, it is not just a job. I often feel like I am more than just part of the company. I don’t just clock in and clock out and get a paycheck. I like that I read books to improve myself in sales, management, relationship building, etc and that I think about how to improve things for myself, my team, and our customers all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I take time and am not working when I spend time with my family and go places on the weekends, etc.

With all that said, I also think how can I build more of my brand, my thoughts outside of my direct work, but stay in my “wheelhouse” as they say. So I came up with the idea for this podcast. This will allow me to share my thoughts (Thackray Thoughts) with everyone who wants to listen and hopefully being able to talk with others in the industry and gain their insight and share that with the world. The goal here would be to grow a community of active listeners and we can all share information together and make each other better and give us the motivation to continue to improve.

This podcast is not going to be the most polished podcast out there and my blogs here will not be edited to fit nicely in a published book, but you know what they will be? They will be me and sound like me and written by me (I tend to write how I talk so be prepared).

Thank you for joining me on this journey and thank you for listening. Please provide feedback, thoughts, and ideas and please subscribe so I know you are listening.

Let’s do this thing!

Ricky Thackray


Episode 1 - Going After The Sales Career You Want