Episode 1 - Going After The Sales Career You Want

Hey All!

I want to give a big huge thanks to everyone who listened to the trailer and provided feedback to me. I have so many people say they are excited for me, proud of me, and looking forward to this podcast. I really thought just a handful of people would notice and I was really surprised by the love and support and I thank everyone for that!

In this first full episode I talk about going after the sales career you want, how everyone uses their network, and why I hate it when people say they are lucky.

When going after a promotion or a new job internally you are going to have to prove why you are the best candidate for the job. Even over people that could be hired from the outside that already do that job but for another company. They are going to have a leg up on you in that area, but if you can do more in your current position that allows you to learn more about why your organization does what it does, take part in some of that in discussions and by taking on more than just your primary responsibilities, and then use that in your interview or discussion on how you are not needing to learn everyone about the new position but you also have knowledge and practice for this new position but you are better suited because you know the core of your current company and can hit the ground running.

Second is how we all use our network. Some people are just fine with networking and some people do not like it at all and think networking is a self centered way to get to an end goal. I challenge this idea in this podcast and say we are all networking all the time and don’t even know it. A network is just people with similar interests sharing their ideas and thoughts. You do it with your friends, church, sports team, on Facebook, etc. So we all use our network for support and I suggest you do the same when looking for a new job or promotion.

Lastly I talk about how I hate it when people they say they are lucky. That is saying that the outcome you received had nothing to do with your actions and I do not believe that. If you get a sale out of the blue, it most likely happened because you fostered a relationship with another person or account and they referred your info to another person and then they reached out. This is intentional work on your part to provide this product or service which then lead to you to get something else “out of the blue” but started with your effort and you need to own that.

We talk about these items and more on this first full episode.

Let’s do this thing!

Ricky Thackray


Episode 2 - How to Properly Start a Meeting


Trailer - Why Not?